Portable Air Purifier with Medical Standards
Clean air wherever you go! b-MOLA Air Purifier is the first portable medical-grade air purifier designed for consumer use.
Shop NowWhy b-MOLA?
We are portable air purifier with medical standards
b-MOLA Air Purifier kills bacteria and viruses, sanitises the air you breathe, and removes VOCs, allergens, dust, smoke, and even pet hair for a germ-free, clean, and odourless environment. Featuring our unique and patented NCCO technology, this medical-grade air treatment device purifies indoor air for an allergen-free and odourless living space. The safest, most effective, and cost-efficient air purification device that you'll ever need for yourself and your family!
Learn moreNCCO Air Purifying System

Unlike traditional air purifiers, b-MOLA utilises the most effective NCCO Air Purifying System (Nano Confined Catalytic Oxidation). It is a global patented technology which provides an excellent level of decomposition and purification of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and other harmful substances, thus providing one with a clean and odourless environment. Its filter system has the longest life in the industry and so reduces operating costs.
Learn more about NCCO
Our products
What our customers are saying?
Turning ideas into reality
Before launching our project on Indiegogo, we have already conducted two pilot productions as well as send our products to friends and professional photographers for testing and reviewing. We have improved the deficiency of the product design based on their feedback and suggestions.
Apart from that, we’ve also built out a specific plan for our manufacturing process. So we have confidence in shipping the b-MOLA air purifiers on time. If there are any changes due to materials, suppliers, or unforeseen events, we’ll ensure that we keep each of our supporters fully updated.
Now, we had finalised the trial production and are ready to start the mass production, but we need your support. Your support not only gives us the ability to start mass production and build the best products we can imagine but allows us to continue to work on new ideas.
b-MOLA team