What is NCCO Technology?
NCCO technology was first implemented in hospitals and medical labs to kill bacteria and viruses and eliminate formalin odours in rooms and bathrooms. Users in the hospital find it very effective and cost-saving. After a few years of testing, more than 100 hospitals, metro stations and banks use the NCCO technology to purify the air.
NCCO Technology
The catalytic material is a non-poisonous, recyclable mineral material with well-defined nano tunnel.
A granule of catalytic material with 0.4 cm in diameter has around 400 feet of adsorption tunnel.
The nano tunnel contains a mass of transition metals.
Active oxygen generated from the system can oxidise air pollutants into water vapour and carbon dioxide.
Unlike traditional air purification, which causes secondary pollution, NCCO decomposes air pollutants into water vapour and carbon dioxide and leaves no harm to the environment.

1. Collect air pollutants into nano tunnel, then oxidise and decompose air pollutants into harmless water vapour and carbon dioxide.
2. Exhaust harmless substances to create room for further absorption. The Reactor life spans of 3-5 years. No interim replacement of the reactor is necessary. Disposal of Reactor does not cause any pollution.
The advantage of NCCO

Control of Carcinogenic Compounds
A cleaning lab needs to utilise a large amount of solvent including Glutaraldehyde, Ethanol and other washing agents. NCCO help to improve the working environment by removing gaseous pollutants in the lab area. After installation, TVOC Removal Efficiency reach 97.97% (Formaldehyde Concentration from 1.133 mg/m3 to0.023 mg/m3).
Remove air pollutants from working/living environment
• Disinfects and Deodorises
• Removal of bacteria
• Removal of allergens
• Prevents inhalation of suspended particulates, e.g. PM10 & PM2.5
• Remove cigarette smoke smell
• Remove other pollutants in air, etc.

Reduce disposal and save energy
NCCO Reactor converts TVOCs and polluted air to CO2 and H2O vapour, so there is no disposal of polluted air. And unlike the most common active-carbon filters, NCCO Reactor does not require regular replacement and any special treatment before disposal, which will help carbon reduction.
NCCO improves air quality, and thus greatly reduce the power consumption for large air change adopted prior to the use of NCCO.
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